Lesion / Lump Removal

Removes skin lesions or lumps for health and appearance

Lesion/Lump Removal is the removal of lumps and bumps on your skin, such as moles, cysts, or lumps.

Our consultant plastic surgeon must first assess the lesion, and then we can discuss a plan of action to suit the patient’s needs.

Consultant plastic surgeon Mr Hassan Shaaban leads ASET Hospital’s minor surgical skin procedures clinic.

Mr Hassan Shaaban is a fully accredited British-trained NHS consultant plastic surgeon, and his plastic surgery career has expanded over 25 years.


Some people develop noncancerous fatty growths, called lipomas, under the skin.

A lipoma won’t affect your overall health, but if you don’t like the way the lump looks, you’re concerned about it growing larger or becoming infected, and it can be removed in a simple outpatient procedure.

We will assess your lump fully to ensure it is benign before removing it.

Please note that if your lump is growing fast or is painful, then it is essential to consult your GP about it.

What is the Lump Removal Procedure?

Lipoma removal surgery is a simple and relatively quick procedure that will get rid of your lipomas with minimal scarring and recovery time.

There are various options for treating lipomas, including liposuction and surgical excision.

Lipoma removal surgery involves a small incision placed over, or near, the lipoma followed by removal of the mass from the surrounding tissue.

A layered closure of the skin completes the procedure. The surgery will result in a scar; however, in some cases, liposuction may be used, which results in smaller scars.

However, any incomplete removal (as is likely with liposuction) may result in the lipoma growing again.

Risks with Lesion/Lump Removal

Risks associated with this procedure include;

  • Haematoma
  • Infection
  • Lumpy, wide or red scarring
  • Painful scarring
  • Cyst recurrence and indentation at the cyst removal point.

Please note that cyst removal almost always results in a scar. Lipoma recurrence and indentation at the removal site (this can occur when a large lipoma is removed).

*Individual results may vary.


How long will it take to recover?

Depending on the size of the lump and its location, You can usually return to work immediately, but the area of operation can take up to 2 weeks to fully heal. *Individual results might vary.

Will the NHS remove my lump?

A lump which is considered “suspicious” when viewed by a consultant in the NHS would be removed; however, if the Consultant considers the lump to be benign and the request for the lump removal is for cosmetic reasons, the NHS consultant may recommend that removal is carried out in the private sector.

When will I be able to drive?

Whenever you feel confident enough to perform an emergency stop without discomfort, you may drive. Please check with your insurance company before you drive.

When will I be able to go back to work?

You can return to work immediately, but the area of operation can take up to 2 weeks to fully heal.

Will there be a scar?

After cyst removal, a small scar is almost always present.

Procedure Key Points

Operating Time
1-2 Hours
Hospital Stay
2-3 Hours
Shower after 24hour but keeping wound dry
24 hours
Nothing strenuous for 7 days
Time off Work
Back to work the next day
Stiches out after 7 days

Lesion / Lump Removal cost at ASET Hospital

Please see our Procedure Costs page to explore our price options.

Lesion / Lump Removal Surgeons

ASET Hospital

1 Sandstone Drive,
L35 7LS